American revolution painting


Sons of liberty - tar and feather

Originally founded in 1765 by Samuel Adams, the Sons of Liberty were an instrumental force against the tyranny of British rule. The Sons engaged in all manner of resistance; from publications in local papers, to rioting and public displays of treason - they stopped at nothing, and they succeeded. The Sons of Liberty recruited men from all walks of life; lawyers, statesmen, merchants, soldiers, and outlaws. By any and all means, they made themselves free.

Samuel Adams

Samuel Adams

sons of liberty: revival

Sons of Liberty, American Tribe

We live in a world where government-issued papers are a prerequisite for daily life. The society has vanquished any act that cannot be regulated. Our compulsory State-education is more akin to serfdom indoctrination. We’re robbed of nearly half our income through taxation. Our descendent generations are being sold into debt slavery through inflation. Collaboration between the State and its crony tech-corporations have removed any expectations of privacy. The country’s “defensive” forces have devolved into slavish mercenaries, fighting for the Almighty-Dollar. Law enforcement, now thoroughly militarized, has transitioned from community first-responders to strong-armed henchmen for the arbitrary will of tyrants. Our culture, founded on individual liberty and the virtues of strong independence, has now degenerated into a bureaucracy of State-worship and victimhood.

It’s high-time to revive the spirit of our ancestors. The Sons of Liberty has been reborn, and we’re calling on all patriots.

Learn More About The American Tribe:

liberty tree

“What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance.”

— Thomas Jefferson

george washington crossing the Delaware river


The Sons of Liberty (SOL) is an American Tribe of true believers in our founding ideals and an organization of resistance to tyranny. In contrast to its founders, however, our intent is not to overthrow the State or to win some glorious decisive battle for liberty. Slavery is the way of the masses and power is an essential element within the social landscape; it’s naive to believe these forces can be overcome. Our mission, as modern-day Sons of Liberty, is to ensure the idea of freedom prevails. We are to act as an opposing force to tyrants and collective oppression. We aim to gather the free men to our cause, and together, form an order of resistance that is not only effective against the powers that be, but resilient enough to withstand the inevitable onslaught.


This order or resistance will be organized in the fashion of a militarized tribe. Members will belong to regional Tribes and assigned to specific Chapters. These Chapters will be determined by state. Anyone who wishes to take part in the resistance, but isn’t located near any of the Chapters, will have the option to attain a Nomad status until a Chapter can be established in their region.

The leadership of a Chapter contains the following ranks:

  • President

  • Vice-President

  • Sergeant at Arms

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

A Tribal Chief will preside over the SOL region.

The Members will each have their assigned General Orders. Selections for special assignments and a position within the Chapter militia will be granted by the leadership.

The Sons of Liberty gives each and every man an opportunity to serve the cause of freedom. A determination to live free and a willingness to resist tyranny is all that’s required. In return, you will be given the chance to free yourself from the chains of slavery and count yourself among brothers. To stand shoulder-to-shoulder with men from your own tribe is the noble heritage of mankind; it is our primal instinct and the foundation of any great culture.

America was born out of rebellion, and it is now time for its rebirth.

For more information on SOL’s mission, structure, and strategy, read the Manifesto by following the link below:


  • SOL enforces that every member be trained and educated in the ways of combat, but SOL is not merely a militia. We are an organization of resistance, and resistance can take many different forms; a militia is just one example.

  • Tyranny and oppression are implemented via the legal processes of a state. It follows then, that any resistance or disobedience to the will of tyrants is by its very nature, “illegal.” That being said, every man must decide for himself where he draws the line in the sand. SOL has no standing orders to commit illegal acts.

  • You don’t - but then again, how could you? While each member of SOL is vetted to the best of our abilities, there’s no guarantee that we won’t be infiltrated or a member will be turned. This is a critical concern for every resistance organization that has ever existed. SOL has a strict policy that absolutely no illegal content or attempts to elicit an illegal act are permitted via online sources. Members observed committing these acts are disavowed immediately.

  • In contemporary politics, it’s increasingly difficult to identify what’s properly Left or Right. These concepts have been diluted to the point of becoming nebulous. While SOL maintains an “America first” motivation and stays true to the founding ideals of this nation, we are also willing to divorce ourselves from the establishment in order to break free from oppression. Within this position lies characteristics from both Left and Right philosophy. One doesn’t need to choose between these in order to find tyranny intolerable.

  • SOL takes no position on race. One’s race and ethnicity is not a factor of consideration for membership.

symbols of sol:

SOL Symbols.jpg
But if we are to see things in their right perspective, we need to understand the past of man as well as the present. That is why an understanding of myths and symbols is of essential importance.
— Carl Jung

The Sons of Liberty has three distinct symbols within it; the Punisher skull, the coiled Timber Rattlesnake, and the ring of 13-stars. Together, this symbolism represents the spirit of SOL and its ambition.

Punisher Skull: Originally developed by Gerry Conway for his character, Frank Castle. As the story goes, Frank was a Marine combat veteran, whom after returning from war, experienced a family tragedy and took justice into his own hands while adorning the symbol of the skull. This story has been replicated several times, each with its own nuance, but the basic elements have remained. Frank Castle was a tenacious warrior with an unwavering code of honor.

Though the Punisher skull has been co-opted by many factions that one might consider oppressive and unjust, this doesn’t reverse the meaning behind the symbol, it simply points out the misunderstanding and ignorance of those who falsely represent it. Castle was not a law-abiding citizen, he wasn’t fighting to enforce laws, and he was no servant or worshipper of any politician. Castle was an outlaw and regularly circumvented the law. His character was not one friendly to the government; many times the drama casts the government itself as the antagonist. At its most fundamental level, the Punisher skull is a symbol of unrelenting and uncompromising justice.

Timber Rattlesnake: The timber rattlesnake is one of the oldest symbols embraced by the United States. This snake, much like the bald eagle, was an indigenous species of North America, making it a prime symbol of the American identity. Benjamin Franklin depicted the snake several times through his writings, but it was made most notable by Christopher Gadsden, a politician from South Carolina. Gadsden was not only a statesman, but also a high-ranking member in the Continental Army, one of the most influential leaders in the movement for independence, and a founding member of the South Carolina Sons of Liberty militia. 

Gadsden designed a standard to represent the fight for American independence. A coiled timber rattlesnake upon a bright yellow backdrop, with the phrase, “DONT TREAD ON ME,” printed beneath it. Snakes elicit a primal instinct within humans; they are something to be feared. But the rattlesnake is unique in that it first warns those who may attempt to infringe, before it strikes – and strike it shall, with lethal intent. This rattling feature of this snake combined with the loud yellow cloth work in conjunction to send the message, “We are here. We are no longer hiding. You have been warned.” 

The distinction between the rattlesnake and the contemporary symbol of the Libertarian Party, the porcupine, is that the snake is actually deadly; it’s a formidable adversary, even to those species much larger than itself. It is also a predatory animal, unlike the porcupine which can only act defensively. The same principle applies (don’t mess with me), but the porcupine’s quills are relatively harmless compared to the venomous fangs of the snake – such is the nature of the differences between a political party that reserves its efforts to legislature and a small group of dangerous men, willing to take freedom into their own hands.

13-Stars: Found on one of the nation’s first flag designs, the 13-stars are meant to represent the original 13 colonies that fought for their independence against British rule. SOL incorporates this symbol into their design to signify both its historical origins but also as a solemn remembrance to a time when the American people took up arms against their political oppressor. The star itself has always been a symbol of guidance and ambition. We look to the stars to find our way and we aspire toward it. They represent a dream, a wish, an ultimate end. As such, the Sons of Liberty are guided by the spirit of these 13-stars.

This is the history of SOL’s symbols and the rationale for why we embrace them. Do not fall victim to the slander found within mainstream media and politics, accusing these symbols of some sort of Right-wing, racist, or “anti-government” sentiment; the true meaning of these emblems are much more profound than they would have you believe. The use of these icons by other groups and ideologies is irrelevant and does not undermine their symbolic gesture. The potential associations one can make between these images and other, less-honorable ideas, is merely an attempt to attack the existence of the actual ideas these symbols truly represent. We will not surrender these powerful images to the forces of tyranny or any flavor of Postmodern Marxism, which attempt to cast arbitrary definitions and meaning to ancient truths. The Sons of Liberty proudly adorn these symbols and makes no apology for it.


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“Rulers will never be reasoned out of their thrones, nor will society be argued away from their madness. To live free, a man must act.”

As an author and former Marine, Tanner understands the dynamics of both the written-word and the use of force. After writing his first two books - ‘The Case Against the State’ and ‘Liberty and the Will to Power’ - he came to the realization that words are not enough. If the idea of freedom is to survive, and if free men are to have a place on this earth, they must assemble and fight for it.

Learn more about Tanner here.

Tanner Cook Marine Corps USMC Afghanistan
Tanner Cook Marine Corps USMC
Tanner Cook Marine Corps USMC