An American Tribe

What happened to America? Once a proud nation that stood worthy of admiration; a nation built from the ground up. The frontier of freedom that summoned peoples of all kinds to flee their decaying homeland in pursuit of liberty and ambition – courageous and self-determined people. A culture of individuals, yet bonded through common virtues of adventure, unbreakable spirit, and independence. A land where a man could forge his own destiny and succeed or fail according to his own choices. A people that would go to war against any who threatened this way of life.

America is not just a country, but a way of life.
— Anonymous

What is America’s “way of life” now? We live in a time where phrases like, “American exceptionalism” triggers outrage and mockery within the ranks of its own citizenry. Self-reliance has been disposed of; the government is now so entangled in our daily lives that it’s impossible to live without its good graces. The statues of our heroes are being torn down. Merit and greatness are shamed. Instead, if one wishes to have influence, one must first make a case for their victimhood and helplessness. When did we fall from glory and honor? Why did we abandon the virtues that made this nation great? Where are the values we once held as sacred?

Man has forgotten the transcendent ideals that invigorate life, and instead has become the “economic man;” a consumerist whose ethics are informed by panels of “experts” and selective “facts,” not wisdom, tradition, and conscience. This man’s will is shaped by all powers except his own; for he has no power nor does he will to have any. For men no longer need to be men, and there are few who choose to be men in light of this fact. As a result, the society has slipped into a cold pathological embrace of childhood dependence and has elevated the state to a position of “mother.” Now this maternal tyrant holds supreme authority over the citizens it views as its own children; and these children are fat, spoiled, inept, and content under her wing. Our once great society – “the tempestuous sea of liberty” – now desires a padded cell; where all are equal, safe, and nurtured. This is our new normal.

The Constitution of the United States is perhaps the most holy idea that the race of men has ever conjured, but it remains just that, an idea; impotent without the force of its propagators.
— Sons of Liberty: Manifesto

The only nation ever founded directly on principles, with a Constitutional Republic formed for the defense of these principles, has now collapsed into a soulless authoritarian bureaucracy, with every politician up for sale. Our government wages war, not for America, but in pursuit of the “Almighty Dollar.” There’s a federal agency formed to regulate every aspect of life. Bureaucrats sell our future generations into debt-slavery through endless currency creation, at the benefit of multinational corporations. A man can’t open a business, build a home, drive a car, travel, or carry a firearm without the state’s blessing. Nearly half the value of our labor is confiscated by these pompous overlords – and they dare to condemn us with accusations of “selfishness” if we refuse to surrender what’s rightfully ours. Marxists, talentless Hollywood icons, and anti-American degenerates receive more respect and airtime than anyone who suggests that the spirit of our nation is something worth preserving. It should be clear that the apparatus and systems put in place to defend our freedom and our American way of life has failed. The Sons of Liberty [SOL] has been reborn in response to this tragedy.

Nil Desperandum – Never Despair. That is a motto for you and me. All are not dead; and where there is a spark of patriotic fire, we will rekindle it.
— Samuel Adams

SOL intends to reclaim that which was lost. We embrace the values of our forefathers: liberty, self-reliance, and individualism. We remember the virtues of our ancestors: strength, courage, mastery, and honor. We make our own fate and live or die according to our convictions. We remain true to ourselves and find brotherhood in shared principles. We believe it means something to be a man. We believe it means something to be an American. We act – without apology – in support of these American ideals.

SOL is well aware that the masses do not share our vision, but they are no longer our concern. We are a tribe of true believers, faithful to our founding ideals, not an unprincipled democracy that floats aimlessly down the current of collective whim. Society has gone mad and our rulers have proven themselves undeserving of our fealty. At best, they have carelessly abandoned the virtues and spirit that made this nation great; at worst, they’ve willfully betrayed them. Regardless, the Sons of Liberty will waste no effort in their redemption. We are witnessing the same winter season that has plagued every great civilization to date. Ours is the age of decay; the Kali Yuga. All that is weak, decrepit, and unprepared will perish; only the strong will survive. The Sons of Liberty – our values, our virtues, our way of life – will survive.

Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.
— Thomas Jefferson

We set out to accomplish this by constructing our own order within this world of chaos and destruction. The Sons of Liberty is an American tribe. We’ve gathered together and circled the wagons. We’ve lit the flame of liberty for all those who stand by us and for us. We’ve forged ourselves into warriors in order to defend this enlightened perimeter. We stand firm on our beliefs and make no concessions to a mad society or a rotten government. We are the last true Americans.

There is only one question that remains – are you with us?

Tanner Cook

Founder of the Sons of Liberty

On Freedom


Who Should Join SOL