Vaccine Passports

vaccine passport and a mask

Vaccine passports seem to be on the horizon. In their typical fashion, the powers-that-be are utilizing fear-based tactics and the appeal to the “common good” in order to buy support. Not all that long ago, the State employed these very same methods to mandate our current passports. The initial push for traveler passports was felt in the late 1800s to relieve xenophobic hysteria. Later, during WWI, emergency wartime measures were passed that required passports. These were only intended to be temporary measures, but of course, they remained “temporary” for decades until Congress was able to write them into law.

Most Americans today probably aren’t aware that there was ever a time when citizens could travel freely, without having to ask and pay for a permission slip from their government. Even fewer Americans are aware of the ridiculous origins of our mandated passports. As with most cases of mass-frenzy within history, it’s only decades, perhaps centuries later that we are able to calmly and rationally criticize the overreactions of our ancestors and discover the ulterior motives of the social elite. We would do well to take a breath, step back, and analyze our current affairs now before plunging into this new madness.

This isn’t an “anti-vax” rant; the subject-matter surrounding this new passport is irrelevant. This is a warning to all those who would levy stronger impositions on freedom-of-movement. For there are only two final choices man is left with when the political environment becomes intolerable; fight or flight. And when the restrictions on travel are too severe to act on the latter, we can only expect the former.

Nil Desperandum

Tanner Cook

Founder of the Sons of Liberty

Sons of Liberty: Manifesto (Intro)


Preparation as an Antidote to Paranoia