Who Are The Sons of Liberty

Our nation was founded upon rebellion, not an unruly and selfish rebellion, but a just and principled rebellion. Our Founders were free men endowed with a sense of honor and justice. They understood right from wrong – when a government oversteps – and possessed the courage to act on it.  Their opposition to the world’s most powerful empire began with the Sons of Liberty, and it is with the Sons of Liberty that we begin again.

The Sons of Liberty: American Tribe is not merely an organization; it’s an idea, a vision, a purpose. It’s a legacy and a rite of passage into the American birthright. The American’s birthright is not liberty, but rebellion. Freedom is not a gift. It’s not bestowed or granted; it’s fought for and taken. It is the unwavering character of justice, honor, and rebellion that inhabit the people of a free society. And we must pay the same price our ancestors paid, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

This Republic is not safeguarded by political demigods or magical papers. The Constitution is a profound historical artifact and provides a conceptual outline to ensure a free nation, but it’s only as powerful as its believers. Likewise, politicians are in a position to keep tyranny at bay, but only insofar as they themselves are not tyrants. In the final analysis, the people are the only concrete barrier against injustice and enslavement. This is the mission of the Sons of Liberty.

Today, this idea is more relevant than ever. Our Founders introduced the world to a radical liberation of the people, and since then, the world has increasingly adopted this idea. But we now find ourselves fighting to keep this idea alive. If America falls and descends into tyranny, rest assured, the world will follow with it. This is why we’re hoisting the flag again and reigniting the spirit of rebellion. Not simply to save ourselves and our nation, but to protect the flame of liberty for all mankind.

Our mission may sound lofty and overly ambitious, but we don’t entertain delusions of grandeur. We don’t imagine some final glorious victory to be fought on some distant battlefield. The fight for liberty begins at your very doorstep. Our Founders didn’t sail to England to rid themselves of their overlords; they rooted them out from their own lands. We embrace this same strategy. We effect change where our change will be felt most - in our communities, our towns, our cities, and our counties. To free a nation, we must first free ourselves.

We are not led by a single man nor a group of men. We are not an incorporated entity or a registered 501 (c) (3). We are guided by a shared strategy that’s acted out by all those who, like our forefathers, understand right from wrong. Our ambition is not destruction or revolution, but to protect and maintain the Republic for which it stands.

Unlike other “resistance” organizations that pay-to-play or engage in some sort of cosplay fantasy comprised of overweight militiamen; the Sons of Liberty is only interested in pragmatic solutions to resisting tyrannical mechanisms. Our strength is found in the idea we put forward. The idea that man is born free and has a natural right to remain as such, regardless of the laws and forces that surround him.

Along with this idea, we include the strategy and tactics to see it manifested. Our approach is informed by past and present analysis of insurgent tactics. We assemble in bars, churches, and the backwoods, not at campaign headquarters, polling stations, or the Capitol. We exploit our strengths and avoid our weaknesses. We mobilize in small and trusted teams, not large and incohesive rallies. We’re disinterested in political parties, politicians, pundits, and processes. We don’t protest or march. These are defensive measures; we’re focused on the offense.

One might ask why we speak so loudly of sedition? Is this not a game for the shadows and underground? Firstly, it isn’t sedition that we speak of, but protectionism. It is the steadfast enforcement of the Supreme Law of the Land and our God-given right to liberty. Second, the only ones to fear a reckoning from the American Tribe are those who would unlawfully and unjustly impose their power over the free people of this nation. Those that maintain their oaths to the Constitution have no need to concern themselves with our existence.

There will undoubtedly come a time when men like us must go entirely dark, but until that day, we will continue to draw the like-minded to our cause and inform them of the way of free men. We will build our network. We will train. We will prepare. Until the hour draws near.

Our official membership serves one purpose: to establish the beginnings of a network. For those that wish to connect with others near them that share a similar faith in our cause and strategy, they can apply, join our roster, and gain access to communication platforms that connect members to each other.

Many of our kind share a healthy skepticism towards online registries and the solicitation of personally identifiable information. This is a valid concern; however, the Sons of Liberty maintains a strict policy that absolutely nothing illegal or potentially compromising be discussed via online forums. We permit nothing that would incriminate our organization or its members and advise all members to cease communication with anyone that attempts to elicit illegal behavior. The member database and forums are only meant to facilitate the foundation of team and chapter building. Once local contacts are established, growth will occur organically, and the utility of the online application and forum platforms will diminish. Moreover, official membership isn’t a prerequisite to joining our cause. To become a part of the American Tribe, one need only to take up our banner and exercise our virtues and strategy. Ultimately, if you’re looking to join the fight for liberty but you’re completely unwilling to expose yourself to others or accept the slightest margin of risk, then you’ll find yourself forever on the sidelines of this battle.

Not everyone will be accepted into this tribe. Discrimination is vital to protecting the strength and integrity of our cause. This is an organization for American men. We Americans aren’t a warrior culture, but neither are we strangers to war. We have a proud tradition and history of fighting for what we believe in. The Sons of Liberty continues in this tradition. As such, members must embrace a warrior ethos and train in the ways of combat. An applicant must know and understand our vision – their comprehension of the Manifesto will be tested. Additionally, each member must bring something of value to the organization. If you have no relevant skills, experience, our resources, do not expect a seat at the table. And even if your application is accepted, you must still be accepted by your brothers. Trust is paramount in this enterprise. If you don’t play well with others or you possess a questionable character, don’t expect anyone to bring you into the fold.

Now, if you’ve read this far, you’re either interested in joining our tribe or fighting against us. In either case, it’s a testament to the times we’re living in. To those with a desire to join our ranks, I encourage you to acquire a copy of the Manifesto as well as our primary resource for strategy and tactics, The Way of Free Men. This literature will further inform you on what we’re about before you consider applying. To those that stand opposed, know this: history will not remember you. You are nothing but a cog in the machinery of the cold and soulless bureaucracy. Our heroes, myths, and legends are those that stand for human freedom; Prometheus, Spartacus, William Wallace, Samuel Adams – your name will never stand among these giants. Our ancestors would be ashamed of you and our descendants will not revere you. It’s no courageous act to obey and only cowards kneel before another man; you will find no satisfaction from us. The American Tribe submits only to God and principles. We’ll see you out there.


Nil Desperandum – Never Despair.

Tanner Cook

Founder of the Sons of Liberty


Honor Comes With A Price