Why Join a Militia

Tree of liberty with skulls buried beneath it and a grim reaper walking away

robert heinlein

“Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms.”

- Robert A. Heinlein

The Sons of Liberty focus heavily on individual combat skills and emphasize that each of its members adopt a warrior mindset. For some, perhaps most, this may seem abrasive and incongruent with modern society, and in many ways, their perception is accurate. Today, in our stable and peaceful civilization, the demand for men of violence is rapidly decreasing, and where there is a demand for them, it is believed that such men should be controlled by the state, not their own conscience. SOL believes differently.

For one, SOL embraces the ancient and biological virtues inherent within man – strength, courage, mastery, and honor. These virtues were developed over the course of ages and have been uniquely ingrained within the psyche of men. Our ancestors lived a very perilous life; danger awaited them around every bend in the path. Only the strong, courageous, and competent survived and flourished. As such, men demanded these traits from the other men in their tribe. If a warrior could prove himself, he was accepted, and the more he was able to embody these virtues, the higher he ascended in status. Honor, then, was a matter of paying respect to these virtues, in both ideal and within other men – this still holds true today.

Secondly, SOL is an organization for men who desire freedom above all things. SOL was born in response to major infringements upon the free will of men. It is no secret that governments and other collective social forces trend in a constant bearing toward tyranny; for that, there is no dispute. The point of contention is what we ought to do about it.

Many place their faith in the process of the political system – the bureaucracy. It is believed that the essence of civil society rests in the collective acceptance of a particular social order and that deviating from this order leads to chaos. There is a great deal of truth to this, but what does one do when the maestros of this social order begin orchestrating its demise? Moreover, what does one do when society-at-large degenerates into madness and begins stampeding off the cliffs? Are we to shut-out our conscience and descend into the depths simply for the sake of remaining “civil?” 

The Sons of Liberty recognize the problem of tyranny. Much like our revolutionary forefathers, we are willing to confront not only the political oppression but also the social opposition of those whom would rather remain enslaved and content. The written-word, public debate, and political maneuvering are not worthless enterprises, but they are not enough to resist the tides of imbalance centered around the gravitational-pull of power. There comes a time when a man must put down the pen and pick up the sword.

viking illustration with jack donovan quote

For these reasons, SOL embraces a warrior culture. Our organizational structure is based on a military-style command. We aim to instill each member with the mental fortitude, the knowledge, and the training necessary to forge themselves into a formidable adversary. Not all who enlist within our ranks will be employed as soldiers but they will be trained and instructed in matters of combat, nonetheless. Freedom is won and preserved through acts of resistance, and the most effective resistance has always been delivered by warriors.


Nil Desperandum.

Tanner Cook

Founder of the Sons of Liberty


Barbarism Over Bureaucracy


Rational Order & Rebellion