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Why Join a Militia

The written-word, public debate, and political maneuvering are not worthless enterprises, but they are not enough to resist the tides of imbalance centered around the gravitational-pull of power. There comes a time when a man must put down the pen and pick up the sword.

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Rational Order & Rebellion

You can give a man everything he desires but, in the end, he will cast it all aside simply to prove to himself that he can. I believe that’s precisely what Lucifer was attempting when he raised an army against his creator. He had almost everything one could desire – only his freedom was missing. As powerful as he was, Lucifer still lived under the rule of another. He was privileged. He was well-treated and respected. He may even have been happy – but he was not free.

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Symbols of SOL

Do not fall victim to the slander found within mainstream media and politics, accusing these symbols of some sort of Right-wing, racist, or “anti-government” sentiment; the true meaning of these emblems are much more profound than they would have you believe. The potential associations one can make between these images and other, less-honorable ideas, is merely an attempt to attack the existence of the actual ideas these symbols truly represent. We will not surrender these powerful images to the forces of tyranny or any flavor of Postmodern Marxism, which attempt to cast arbitrary definitions and meaning to ancient truths.

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Resisting Manipulation

Perhaps the stranglehold of the state around the minds of men is not as strong as it would seem. Maybe the rigid structure of totalitarianism is too unstable to support the suppression of the exercise of human conscience. Whatever the case may be, we must not surrender our humanity to these forces without a battle cry. A quiet submission to slavery is a voluntary one. If we are truly facing the death of free thought and moral agency, let it die with such a fury worthy of its glory.

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Warrior Fitness

Eat healthy, stay hydrated, sleep well, train smart, and be consistent. Follow these guidelines and develop a routine to support it. Overtime, you will find the challenges of life become easier and less stressful, you’ll have more energy and more discipline, and you’ll approach adversity with confidence and success.

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Faith Over Reason

The tools of reason are cold and inert; they cannot be used to form the foundations of those values from which we become animate. So when contemporary philosophers, scientists, politicians, and even the common man attempt to justify their beliefs based on reason alone, they are ultimately doomed to fail in their efforts. Science and logic are powerful tools of excavation to uncover facts, but at the depths of the canyon from which they dig, the question of why will always echo back to them.

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Prepping: Concept of Operations

It takes a man with a darker perspective to see the necessity for prepping and that man must also be dedicated and vigilant in order to accomplish the task. Staying on-point can be difficult at times, but it is helpful to remember why we prep. It isn’t just about survival; it’s about protecting the things that make surviving hardships worth preparing for.

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The Fall of Man: A Tribute to Jack Donovan

We’re no longer tested by the same trials our ancestors triumphed over. The risks we encounter are mostly financial or trivial when compared to the adventures of the myths and legends of our ancient history. Under the western welfare state, competency in any field has lost its advantage. Even our relationships toward other men seems entirely indifferent. At a time when strength, courage, mastery, and honor are seldom required of us, how do we live without losing our sense of virtue and meaning?

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A Few Principles of Prepping

Contrary to popular thought, most of us are more likely to face dangers in our daily lives than in some dramatic apocalyptic event. Beneath all the apparent order that manifests in civil society lies many dark crevices of chaos that one can slip into at any moment. So before the prepper considers potential doomsday scenarios, he must first recognize the daily demons that lurk in the shadows of his casual existence.

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Sons of Liberty: Manifesto (Intro)

No man is capable of possessing the whole of Truth; many will claim it, few are believed, and none have triumphed. So it is the tragedy of mankind to embrace only a part of it, and fight to preserve it, manifest it, and proliferate it. But there nevertheless remains a silver lining within this tragedy; that is, when everyone stands up for their piece of the Truth, the whole of it survives. This alone is our salvation.

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