Green Dragon Tavern: Where the Sons of Liberty gathered.

Green Dragon Tavern: Where the Sons of Liberty gathered.

green dragon tavern sign with sons of liberty logo


— George Washington

Read before applying

The Sons of Liberty is not an “armchair libertarian” group or an online redoubt for Right wing pity-parties, simply complaining amongst themselves about the order of things. Neither is SOL a place for the worship of political figures, platforms, and processes.

If you join SOL, you will be expected to study, prepare, train, and most importantly, ACT. If you’re only looking for a place to air-out your frustrations within an online echo-chamber, you’ve come to the wrong place. If you’re thinking this organization will merely provide you with an excuse to wear your plate carrier to freedom rallies, fulfilling some sort of cosplay fantasy, you’ve come to the wrong place. Our online presence is only intended for tactical and strategic communication and to facilitate the formation of Chapters in your local areas.

If you submit an application to join this organization, do so for the sole purpose of committing yourself to the cause of liberty, above all things.

APPLication Process:

The Sons of Liberty is in its beginning stages. It is up to every patriot to take the initiative and begin the process of forming their own Chapters or attain a Nomad status. This process starts here.

Prior to applying, you must read the site content and the SOL Manifesto. Applying to join this organization without making any effort to understand its values, virtues, mission, and vision displays a lack of caution and makes it glaringly-evident that you don’t take this process seriously. Failure to read the Manifesto and the site content will result in a denied application.

The application will ask some qualifying questions to gauge your level of understanding, your value, and your sincerity. An OSINT investigation will be conducted to confirm that you are who you say you are and that there’s no immediate red flags concerning your character. Answer these questions with as much clarity and detail as possible.

Applications will be rejected if your answers don’t appear well thought-out or sincere or if your identity cannot be confirmed. If your application is scatter-brained, or full of misspellings and grammatical errors, it will be denied on the assumption that you either don’t take this seriously or that you lack a basic intelligence. Your responses to the questions will determine your level of understanding; it will be clear, those who have read the SOL material and those who haven’t.

SOL will not accept you if you have nothing to offer. You will be asked in the application how you can be of value to SOL. If you don’t possess any verifiable knowledge, skills, and experience, then you are of no use to the cause. And simply stating, “I will help any way I can,” is not useful.

This process is meant to be the initial filter, not the only filter. The greater tasks that await us in our journey will filter out those who don’t belong.

If you call yourself a free man and a patriot, and you have something to offer - join us.